~Philosophy of Education~ 

         Education is a fundamental aspect of everyday life, because we are always learning through everything we say and do. Thus all children should have the opportunity and access to education in order to achieve their fullest potential. In my opinion there are many factors attributing to learning, but the most important is teacher-student rapport:

                                                  Teachers-                                                           Students-

         v      Knowledge of subject area            =          v  Academic achievement
         v      Positive, upbeat attitude               =          v         Strong self-esteem
         v      An abundance of patience             =          v         Positive behavior

           When students are given even small advances in academic achievements, this induces a stronger self-esteem and self- worth, leading to enhanced positive behaviors. Furthermore, if teachers have a strong knowledge of their subject area, this leads to students achieving their academic goals. When teachers keep a positive attitude and the atmosphere upbeat to encourage student learning, the end results is strong student self-esteem. As a teacher practices and uses an abundance of patience for teaching, so do student’s positive behaviors expand to include life outside of the school settings. Thus the teacher-student rapport is growing and expanding to eventually include more.

           My personal philosophy is that every moment in time is a teaching moment, every gesture is learning in motion, as every thought is a gate opened to potential greatness. It is integrally important to me that every child no matter their abilities believe and knows they are capable of doing more, encouraging them to go, and reach further than they ever have dreamed. It is my goal to help them understand and reach for that potential.